The cenote below the Izamal convent is a time capsule of the life of the Mayans from 2,500 years ago, says the National Geographic magazine about the exploration that the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) does in this water mirror. The Izamal convent began to be built in 1553, says the INAH on the internet, that is, 470 years ago. “Over the ancient sacred space that represented the cenote of Izamal, Fray Diego de Landa erected a convent. He named it after the patron saint of his priestly order, San Antonio de Padua, and the ancient Mayan knowledge sank into the depths of the water…”, the magazine indicates about this colonial building where today, as every June 13, will celebrate San Antonio de Padua. Likewise, it indicates that it seems that De Landa threw objects of “idolatry” into the cenote to get rid of them…, but with the INAH excavations some of these ancient pieces were recovered, among which are offerings, sculptures, ceramic pieces and organic remains.
Some of them are as old as the Formative Period, between AD 750 and 200. In addition to shedding light on the forms of faith in the Mayan culture prior to the colonization process, the archaeologists hope to better understand how the evangelizing process was in the area. For this reason, scientists consider this cenote in Izamal to be a time capsule, the magazine says.

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